Staying Resilient amidst the Constant Struggle in Life

Do you sometimes wonder if it’s fair to always be challenged in life? Despite overcoming a series of hurdles in life, we seem to continuously face even more struggles that it leads us to wonder if we are really made for more. 

Difficult times are not a measurement of your incapacity, rather they are a reminder that you are meant for greater things in life. As the saying goes: God only gives you what he knows you can handle.

Regardless of your religious or spiritual belief, the saying above is true as we notice how some individuals can overcome the greatest sufferings and emerge victorious while others are given other forms of challenges which may seem easy in the eyes of another. 

If you have been struggling and are trying to move past a difficult situation

know that you will eventually attain victory even if the situation seems hopeless as you think about it now. Instead of reaffirming the negative beliefs and entertaining the thoughts of possible negative situations, cheer yourself on knowing that you will survive through the difficult time. Miracles are your birthright and if you live from a place of pure, kind, and honest intention you will be safe and protected. The external environment will shift and the impossible will become possible for you.  

We are often taught and ingrained in the belief of searching for evidence to prove a point. Yet there are miraculous events unfolding day by day: 

  • Successful IVF after countless of attempts 

  • Student doing exceptionally well on a test even if they had been worried sick about it

  • Housewife finally securing a job to provide for the family after months of rejection 

  • Assistance provided to a burnt out caregiver after she has given up on fighting for her rights 

And the list goes on. 

As you carry on with your usual tasks throughout this week, constantly look for the good that is happening around you.

Consider the changes in your personality and character you have experienced after all the trials and tribulations you have faced. Perhaps you’re:

  • Stronger 

  • Wiser 

  • More courageous 

  • More empathetic 

  • More resilient 

Instead of focusing your energy on what is going wrong and what could go wrong, acknowledge how far you have come. Recognise the positive changes that have happened to you and remind yourself that you are growing to be your ideal self even more so each day - by showing up for yourself and choosing the next right action. 

Time passes and life goes on whether we like it or not and we have responsibilities added up. Acceptance is one of the greatest practices we can commit ourselves to. To accept the things we can change and to change them as well as to accept the things we cannot change believing that all things happen for a reason. Instead of constantly feeling like life is a struggle, it is important to fill yourself back up first before fulfilling the responsibilities you have, and catering to others once again. 

Slowing down to get yourself recharged and well rested can actually make you more productive and recover faster than if you struggle through with meeting the responsibilities which will further burn you out because you are emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted. 

Advice: do what makes you happy – do what makes you feel like a child again 

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Struggling to have your voice be heard, your personality be seen and accepted? Seasonal Emotions will be your cathartic buddy along the journey of self-healing. Read more about the poetry book here.

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