Seasonal Emotions Poetry Book


Seasonal Emotions is a book of poetry describing the fluctuations of emotions through a depressing period in life to the decision of delving deeper and rising from the wounds of the past.

Get Seasonal Emotions

Highly Sensitive Empaths,
Do you Struggle To Feel Heard?

Go from juggling the demands of being an emotional support for others to achieving balance βš–οΈ and protecting your peace of mind 😌

The art of living lies in the commitment to live on even as we experience both moments of dark and light.

Seasonal Emotions expresses the ups and downs of fleeting feelings where we eventually learn to appreciate the goodness delivered unto us even as we do not see them in the moments of pain.

Born from the experience of a "dark night of the soul" is Seasonal Emotions.

πŸ’œ Seasonal Emotions is a digital book of poetry describing the fluctuations of emotions through a depressing period to finally making the decision to seek therapy, and rise from the wounds of past emotional sufferings

πŸ’œ Comparable to the seasons, emotions are cyclical and in constant change. My hope is that you see the art and meaning of experiencing all emotions to their extremities and keep choosing to live on.

πŸ’¬ What others are saying about Seasonal Emotions …

"Seasonal Emotions very aptly narrated the vulnerability, pain and suffering of life. At the same time, it was balanced off with the hope and beauty of growth which I often forget. Reading it was a grounding experience which took me back to me - it was as if my inner voice was speaking. It was a timely reminder for me that tough time will pass and that I need to learn to let go. Instead of waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, I learn that I can be my own beacon of light and that hope can be found as long as I look deep enough, within" - J

"Seasonal emotions takes you on a ride and deep into your feelings which you might have subconsciously buried it in your past. Be it friendships or relationships, I am sure anyone will be able to relate to the poems. It ends off on a lighter note with the reader emerging stronger and being braver to face the world, and overcoming your self-limiting beliefs that hinder you from living your life." - K

carina yeap seasonal emotions poetry book

πŸ‘‹ About the Author

Carina is the founder and RTT practitioner of Emerged Butterfly, this book was a year’s creation back before she was receptive to seeking help for mental health. After writing Seasonal Emotions, Carina delved into various healing modalities and became a student of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT). She is now certified to conduct RTT sessions. In her free time, Carina enjoys reading books on personal development, self-help and spirituality.