To people who want to feel Alive but don’t know where to Start 

If you’re reading this blog because you’ve been feeling lost in life, you’re in the right place. If you’re curious to know why it’s not your fault you feel lost in life, you’ll definitely want to check my previous blog on the top reasons why we feel de-motivated. Click here to read that blog or scroll down for the solutions!

How to get your passion for life back 

1. Engage in activities that interest you 

What are some activities you would love to participate in? These can be activities that are fun, and creative. They need not be skills that help you at the workplace or skills that would be useful in the future. The purpose here is to have fun and explore what gives you energy. Perhaps you could try: 

  • 👥 Socialising, community based activity: signing up for a dance class in your neighbourhood, getting on apps to make new friends and participating in voluntary services

  • 🎨 Artistic activties: a new hobby like diamond painting, crocheting, pottery, candle making. 

Advice: indulge in the pleasure of an activity with ZERO any expectations. 

Should you feel the activity no longer interests you halfway through it, it is totally ok for you to stop and try a different activity. This does not mean you are giving up and you are not a ‘failure’ for choosing a different activity. You’re learning about your likes and dislikes, you are getting to know what makes you feel alive. 

2. Journaling

Want to know the science and art about journaling? I cover them in this blog and included a free gift 🎁. 

Here are some prompts to get you started: 

  • If I could do anything right now, i’d love to …

  • it would be fun to explore …

  • seeing myself in a rut now, my inner child would encourage me by saying …

  • my higher self would inspire me to be more alive by saying …

3. Speak to an encouraging, uplifting and supportive friend/ family member/ your mentor/ counsellor/ therapist 

It is always a pleasant idea to bounce your ideas, and brainstorm aloud to someone you trust. We can only get so far keeping our thoughts to ourselves. When we express a need, desire to another person, we create room to further explore that idea and that process can get one excited and expectant about further actions and the possible new doors of opportunities. 

4. Reassess your morning and night routine 

Qn: Are you feeling lethargic, and lacking aspiration because your body lacks the basic necessities?

  • nutritious food

  • well sleep

  • physical and emotional safety (are you worrying about getting your needs met - worrying about paying the next month of rent, job security)

Qn: Are you indulging in addictions that deprive you of appropriate personal care (rest, food) such as gaming, shopping, binge watching videos?

Qn: Are you preparing yourself for success the next day or are you rushing through the morning like a headless chicken 🐔?

Your routines matter more than you think. Studies have shown that when we are consistent in our routines, our mind works better. And if our minds work better, we no longer go through the day like a zombie 🧟!

Want to incorporate self care practices starting today, but have a tight schedule? I’ve got you covered! I’ve created just the guide for you. All you need to do is enter your name and email address and I’ll send the guide to your inbox right away - $0. 

Since you’re here, be sure to subscribe to our email list and be part of the EB Tribe. You’ll get instant access to a powerful training guide that I created to help you release the critical, judgmental thoughts in your mind 📩. You’ll also get exclusive content, some special love notes, and personal updates from me that I simply don't share anywhere else 🤫

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