Setting Intentions for a New Year
New Year New Me!
Are you looking forward to a career change? Are you looking forward to losing that extra weight or are you looking forward the pursuit of a new project?
Now, before Mr/Mrs/Ms Perfectionist comes knocking on your door... Here are 3 ways to stay motivated and defeat any negative voice when starting a new passion/ job/ project!
Ask: What does this require of me?
What steps can you put in place before starting the project? You want to set yourself up for success, navigate through possible obstacles and stay committed to your dreams. Life will throw curveballs, and opportunity fortunes the folks who are not only brave but who are also well prepared. Knowing you’ve got your own back and planned out various ways to work through dilemmas can help you through difficult times because you’ve built resiliency.
2.Define your Why
Ask: Why do I want to do this?
What intrinsic value does this provide me with? Am I doing this because I really want to or because someone tells me to do so? Who else can benefit from me doing this? Are they your friends who gets inspired seeing you go after your desires? Could they be the team you lead, for feeling motivated and driven seeing their leaders knock off achievements one after another with great zest. Or are they your family and community who feeds off your positive vibes just because you’re doing what your heart desires?
“People will forget what you said, what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
- Maya Angelou
3.Know What and When to Quit
That’s right. Quitting is essential. To be the best at what you want to do, you have to eliminate distractions. Think about what drains you out emotionally, energetically, what drains you of your time and money. Think about what stops you from enjoying your efforts and feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. These are major factors stopping you from stepping into the new dream you’re looking forward to. What obligations or responsibilities can you reduce or even delegate away so you have precious time and energy to pursue the new goals and dreams you have for yourself?
A short, simple, yet straight-to-the-point book recommendation on quitting: The Dip by Seth Godin
Let us know! What new goals, plans, projects are you embarking on this year?
Share this post with a friend who needs that little extra push (we all know we need a bit of motivation from time to time *wink).
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